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New impulse to the Department of Quality of GARCIA FAURA

The company reorganises its internal structure to give new impetus to the quality of its products and services, and provide greater transversality to the work of quality management.

Throughout its history, GARCIA FAURA has stood out for its commitment to quality. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, when the company barely had a few dozen workers, it created a Quality Department, integrated into the organisational structure of the company. It also became one of the first companies in the sector to have the ISO 9001 international quality management certification and, since then, it has continuously and permanently invested in human and technical resources to guarantee quality levels above the standards.

With the will to keep this commitment alive and give a new impulse to one of the characteristics of GARCIA FAURA best valued by its customers, the company has reorganised its internal structure, increasing the number of human resources assigned to the Department and providing it with greater transversality within the corporate structure.

The new team is headed by Jesús González, a quality engineer with a long career in the industrial field and in process management and quality control, both in the factory and on site. Precisely one of the objectives of this new stage is to increase the control standards in these two areas of the company’s work, both in factory production and in subsequent assembly on site. For this reason, a series of specific quality technicians are available both in production supervision and in the different installation processes.

The new reorganization of the Department also addresses a whole phase of reorganization of internal processes, staff training and the development of technological tools to serve one of the major objectives of the company for this year 2024. GARCIA FAURA has already been working for some months on the development of its Quality 360° concept, with the aim of extending the manifest quality of its products to all the company’s work processes. The final objective is not only to continue being a reference company in terms of global quality, but also to become pioneers in innovation applied to business management.

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