GARCIA FAURA reaffirms its commitment to gender equality and to discrimination
Coinciding with International Women’s Day, last Friday the company offered a training day to its staff to continue advancing the objectives of the company’s Equality Plan. An action program that aims to continue betting on an equitable company, tolerant of difference and respectful of all people.
It is for this reason that GARCIA FAURA has a protocol for the prevention and action in case of sexual harassment, due to gender or psychological reasons. It is a strategic principle of the company contemplated in the Corporate and Human Resources Policy and which assumes gender equality in each and every one of its policies and practices.
In addition, it also promotes the necessary working conditions to avoid situations of sexual or sexual harassment, responding to possible allegations or claims that arise in this regard, and encouraging the use of non-sexist language in communications. ‘company.
All these measures, contemplated in the Plan of Equality, are guarded by a commission of Equality of Opportunity formed by four workers and workers of different areas of the company.