GARCIA FAURA: safety, prevention and service in times of coronavirus
The company maintains its professional activity by taking all precautionary measures, both for its customers and its staff. In the current phase of de-escalation, the Construction business line remains active, while the Residential and After-Sales divisions operate only in those cases allowed by the State of Alarm.
Two months after the State of Alarm was declared, GARCIA FAURA maintains its operations at the maximum performance allowed by the current circumstances. With the maximum internal prevention measures, the company’s workshops are recovering the pace of work after the period of forced closure decreed weeks ago.
At the Installation level, we work in coordination with the different construction companies to adapt the work rhythms to the measures decreed in each project, both nationally and internationally.
The Office staff combines work in the headquarters with teleworking, guaranteeing maximum operations under precautionary measures that guarantee compliance with the regulations issued regarding social distancing and personal protective equipment.
All in all, the company’s objective is to make the preservation of the health of its workers compatible with the attention and service to its clients. As new de-escalation phases are entered, the company expects to be able to recover the maximum normality of the company’s set of work areas and business divisions.