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+34 93 662 14 41
Condorcet Campus + INFO Lumini Building + INFO San Paolo Bank + INFO Boulevard Grenelle + INFO Alaia Building + INFO Oceanario de Lisboa extension project + INFO Tower Vitrvm + INFO Boulevard Haussmann + INFO Colombia Airport Management Centre + INFO Corferias Hilton Hotel + INFO Morland Project + INFO Archipel Project + INFO N8A Paris project + INFO El Dorado Airport control tower + INFO Malesherbes renovation + INFO Centro Empresarial 99 + INFO Office and hotel complex in Luxembourg + INFO OFI7 Business Centre + INFO
Condorcet Campus
Lumini Building
San Paolo Bank
Boulevard Grenelle
Alaia Building
Oceanario de Lisboa extension project
Tower Vitrvm
Boulevard Haussmann
Colombia Airport Management Centre
Corferias Hilton Hotel
Morland Project
Archipel Project
N8A Paris project
El Dorado Airport control tower
Malesherbes renovation
Centro Empresarial 99
Office and hotel complex in Luxembourg
OFI7 Business Centre

GARCIA FAURA has its own sales branches in France and in Colombia, in addition to its project activities in other countries throughout the world.

Unique projects for which the company’s experience accumulated over decades is applied to the benefit of the development of facades and enclosures.

Furthermore, we do so in accordance with the quality standards that have always characterised the work of GARCIA FAURA, and which are recognised by the leading construction companies in the world when entrusting us with their most iconic projects.

No boundaries and no limits: GARCIA FAURA’s International Division spreads our word worldwide.

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